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Instructions for downloading

Dear Heroes, 

The JX2 IMMORTAL MOBILE Official version will be Launched soon. Please refer to the following installation instructions for iOS and Android operating systems!

I/ For iOS:

- Visit https://apps.apple.com/app/id6503226586 to download and install JX2 IMMORTAL MOBILE

- Once the download is complete, join the JX2 IMMORTAL MOBILE game

II/ For Android:

- Visit https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gbc.jx2mobile to download and install

- Once the download is complete, join the JX2 IMMORTAL MOBILE game

- APK Link to install on PC Emulator: [click here]

 III/ System Requirements



  Ram: 4GB

  Ram 4GB

  iOS Operating System: 12.2

  Android Operating System: 6.0

Thank you, Hero, for supporting “JX2 Immortal”. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Admin Team through the Fanpage Jx2 Immortal for assistance.


The JX2 IMMORTAL Admin Team