Guild Leader or Vice Guild Leader or Elder leads a team of 8 people. All team members (can be from different guilds than the team leader) must be level 75 or higher.
Guild members level 75 or higher who have activated a stage area enter that stage area.
Each guild can only activate 1 level area at a time.
The maximum number of people in a level area is 60 people.
If the boss is not activated, there is no time limit for changing people. After activating the boss, the time between changes is 2 minutes.
If the number of people in the Zi Guang Battlefield is less than 8, the system will directly push all remaining players out of the Zi Guang Battlefield.
If you fail a level, you can continue to overcome that level (no need to overcome the level again from the beginning).
Each clan can only complete the Zi Guang Pavilion level once a week (successfully complete 6 levels). The reset time for passing the Zi Guang Pavilion level is from 23:55 Sunday to 0:05 Monday.
Except for level 5, other levels will fail if the number of "Guardian Shadows" exceeds the allowed limit.
Only the Guild Leader, Vice Guild Leader, and Elder of the guild that activated the level can pick up the treasure chests of the Purple Light Pavilion.
Instructions for participation:
Guild Leader, Deputy Guild Leader, and Elder activate the level by selecting: "
Select the battlefield "Zi Guang Pavilion" (condition: the activating character must be the team leader and the team must have 8 characters - regardless of sect)
Select area: " Area 1 " or "Area 2 ": each large area will have 3 small areas ~> there will be a maximum of 6 Guilds passing the level at the same time
When selecting " Empty Area ", NPC Tu Quang Cac Lao Nhan will take the team directly to the outer road (number of characters 60 people)
Talk to the Manager of the Purple Light Hall to " Register for the inner hall " to register for the boss battle (number of characters: 16 people, maximum 3 people per sect)
Defeat the boss of each level to receive chests, experience and accumulate purple light.
There are 2 areas and 6 levels in total , each level will have a leader - destroy the leader to pass the level and receive valuable rewards.
The Chief of the Border
Level introduction
Level 1
Li Yen
Skills of
Li Yen can cause large-scale blood loss.
Little monster Li Yen, a female general who deals small area of poisonous damage, will appear every phase to support Li Yen.
Guardian Shadows will appear in 4 squares in the inner hall according to the sects!! (If a character of a sect is killed by that sect, the Guardian Shadow will not be revived) For example: Shaolin attacks Shaolin Guardian Shadows. The time to attack Guardian Shadows and Ly Phu Nu Tuong is 1 minute. If the time exceeds, the level is failed. If the number of Guardian Shadows that exist in 1 minute is also failed (Maximum 12 Guardian Shadows).
Level 2
Ba Kieu
The Gia Y Than Cong skill will help
Ba Kieu revives 3 times. If the boss is killed 4 times within a certain period of time, it will not revive again.
The Forbidden Guard's little monster will use powerful skills to deal large amounts of damage in a wide area and have effects
If the number of sect guardian balls exceeds 12 balls/stage -> level failure (guardian balls will not revive if killed by the same sect)
Level 3
Phong Duong
Van Thuy
Two-handed skill as one (each phase, the character in the inner hall loses 50% health if the 2 leaders are 30 apart)
Skill of changing stars (each phase, the character in the inner hall will lose 5% of health for 20s when 2 leaders are 10 apart)
The Four Great Villains will respawn continuously, so you must destroy all four monsters at once.
Guardian Shadow: This level does not appear.
Defeat both bosses Phong Duong and Van Thuy at the same time.
Level 4
Earth Mystery
The skill Thunderclap One Strike causes the character hit to lose 10% of their health and apply a stabilizing effect.
The magic organ will appear in stages and the order from left to right will work (If the organ is on the left, the player needs to move to the right to avoid it and vice versa).
If the number of sect guardian balls exceeds 12 balls/stage ~> level failure (guardian balls will not revive if killed by the same sect)
Level 5
Beast Slayer
Iron-skinned, bronze-bodied Beast that is immune to damage (immortal)
The monster's organs are the weak point of the Killing Beast. For each organ destroyed, the Killing Beast will lose 5% of its health.
Guardian ball is not available
The Beast of Destruction will release dogs to attack the player.
Level 6
Ancient Fire Unicorn Fire Dance
Ancient Fire Qilin Flowing Light
Fire Dance and Flowing Light will restore 1% health every second.
The skill Di Hoa Tiep Moc each stage of Hoa Vu will give Luu Quang 6% of its health and when the health % of the 2 leaders are not equal, it will create a continuous amount of damage, the higher the difference, the greater the damage.
If the number of sect guardian balls exceeds 12 balls/stage ~> level failure (guardian balls will not revive if killed by the same sect)
Point Rewards
Item Rewards
Level 1: Li Yen
250 points Purple Light Pavilion
Chest level 1
Level 2: Ba Kieu
Chest level 2
Level 3: Phong Duong & Van Thuy
Chest level 3
Level 4: Earth Mystery
Chest level 4
Stage 5: Beast Destruction
Chest level 5
Stage 6: Fire Dance & Flowing Light
Chest level 6
Players can polish the guardian outside the lane when reaching the 300 ball mark, which will increase the purple light points each level.
Only guild leaders, deputy guild leaders, and elders can pick up chests to pass levels.
Open the chest to pass the level and receive materials to exchange for Zi Guang Pavilion equipment.
Guild leader, vice guild leader, elder who want to give materials to other players need to team up with that player, then open the chest and give out the materials.
You can only earn a maximum of 7200 Purple Light points per week (These points will be reset on the first Monday of the week).
Zi Guang Pavilion store image
Select “ Redeem points” or “ Redeem special items”
Exchange points to exchange basic purple light equipment
Special item exchange can exchange for higher level equipment Zi Guang Pavilion Equipment Level 80